Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Ballpark

First, THANK YOU for all the feedback. It gave me some ideas to roll around in my head. I may even try and become more crafty!!!   Not quite a natural thing for me.   But I definitely got some ideas floating around in my head.   Now, if there were about 6 more hours in a day! HA! Or a fairy to clean and cook at my house. :-)

Last night Robert join up with his old softball team. It's been a while since we've been at the ball park. Once we hit 3 little ones, it just was too hard to fit in evening softball with everything else we had going on. Then Rhodes came...yeah right. But we've gotten to a really great place with the kids. They can run around an play. Rhodes even gives me a good 40-45 minutes of peaceful stroller time until he says "ENOUGH!".

And with this cloud behind us, it couldn't have been a nicer evening. There was even a little breeze!!!

I love the above shot!  I set the ISO at 160.  I shot it on manual with spot metering, auto white balance, shutter speed 1/320 at f/16.  Then in camera raw (I shoot in RAW) I boosted the blue saturation a bit.  Then ran Pioneer Woman's fresh and colorful action!  I thought it turned out so pretty!

One of 2 shots of Robert.  I need to get better at sports photography!

Robert has the kids addicted to sunflower seeds!  It was funny watching Landon eat them and then spit them out just like Robert.

Lillian preferred a bird's eye view.  Even climbed up higher, above the bar before I could yank her down.

Rhodes was a good boy for the most part!!

Saw his feet and realized somebody had a little coloring party on them.  One guess.

Yes her.

I think I'm ready to get back into going to the ball park! The kids really enjoyed it and I wasn't a nervous wreck trying to watch them all!

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