Dad let me tube the kids at first. And I have to say, I was just slightly tempted (ok really tempted, but I kept my self control) to gun it and do 360's with them in tow. But then I remembered I was more like 10 or 12 years old before my Dad did that with us. But, WHOA, memories of "extreme double tubing" flooded my mind while I was behind the wheel of that boat!
Beautiful day!
Landon had his fill pretty fast. I dunno, maybe I didn't heed his "go slower" signal enough. ;-)
So Lovey jumped in with Olivia. Olivia at one point, got all crazy and stood up in the tube. Then she stuck her feet out so they hung over while her bottom was hitting the bottom of the double tube cover. She definitely loves tubing now.
Landon took wonderful care of his little bro while I snapped a few shots! I mean seriously, there really is some gentleness in that boy - even though he can be so rough and tough!
Almost all the fam in one pic! Less Robert. And Lily Rose - Landon clearly passed down the "uber water caution" attitude/torch to her this year.
Look at her little cautious self:
Who knows, maybe the huge wake scared her off this time. :-) That, or Olivia's constant "go faster" thumbs up.
Saturday night we cruised on over to a local restaurant on the lake for dinner. We took my grandparent's pontoon boat this time. Plus there were 4 generations riding to dinner and we needed the extra room.
Lillian driving with her great-grandfather "BB". And my cousin in the background! :-) So 3 out of 4 generations in this pic.
Clearly she loves it.
Rhodes stayed close to Sugar. His great grandmother! She spoils him. He knows it. He loves it. And he loves her! :-)
We love this restaurant because there is built in child entertainment. Lots of turtles and fish to feed off the porch/dock.
The turtles never seem to be satisfied. Therefore it is endless fun!
But the kids needed a closer view of the "wildlife" and went under the deck and got up close and personal.
Luring the turtles and fish with lots of crackers and bread.
Lillian drove part of the way home. Boaters beware.
No, actually she's pretty good. She's been driving power wheels for a couple of years now. Pretty sure she can do a 3-point turn in them now.
She only learns from the best big brother and sis!
As we cruised home, we watched the sun set over the lake.
SOOC shot here! ⇓ (Straight Out Of the Camera) No editing!!! Yes, that's how beautiful it is here!
Love all the colors!
Rhodes and Sugar we pretty much inseparable. They get each other. It's super sweet.
Then he finally got what he had been reaching for all night......her hat.
I think he pulls it off pretty well! ;-)
Then Landon had a turn driving.
Love this pic.
Oh and hey, here I am. Yes, it's me. The one who is never in any photographs! But I do exist!
Robert said to me the other morning at Landon's school (for a recitation), "I'd take pictures, but I'm afraid of the beast!" (referring to my camera) It's really not that scary. Promise!
So please, if you ever see me with my family, please offer to take pictures of us. Even if they are with your cell phone. Because I would greatly appreciate being a part of my kids' scrapbooks!
When you made the comment about your cousin in the background, I looked at the guy and thought it was a cousin from your dad's side...oh wait, it's my little brother!!! Didn't recognize him with his shaved head! Also, the pictures of Rhodes and Sug are SO adorable!! LOVE them! Can't wait to be at the lake with y'all soon!
ReplyDeletei can't even begin to tell how many tubing stories we have too! or how many double tubes we went through. those are the best memories!!! curious to know where you went to eat. i love eating out on the water!
ReplyDeleteMy grandfather passed away in January. he had 13 grandchildren and at his funeral there was a photo montage of all of us at some point sitting in his lap driving his pontoon. Those are our most cherished family photos!
ReplyDeleteYou can build the best memories at the lake!!
As always, ADORABLE kids!!