Monday, March 1, 2010

Didn't Have To Call The Fire Department!

The night of Landon's Party finally arrived!!  No snow this time!  The weather was perfect...just cold enough to want to be around a fire and play around - but not too cold where you were miserable.

We had everything set up!  The "happys" and favors were flashlights, water bottle filled with candy, and glow sticks!  All were a hit!!

Completely unintentional "Ole Miss" theme.  But obviously appropriate for us.  ;-)

The fire pit....with hose to the upper right!

Nothing like keeping a baby entertained by putting him 10 feet from a blazing fire.  And with his Ole Miss hat on. Again, completely unintentional.

Roasting our dogs!  I don't eat hotdogs very often, but WOW, a good all beef fire-roasted hotdog was YUMMY!!! 

Landon's little buddies were SOOO cute.  They invaded the yard with LOTS of energy and enthusiasm...playing with ALL of our toys, jumping on the trampoline and cooking up a storm!

I hate I didn't get more pics, but when you're "hosting" there is not time to play around with all the settings for nighttime pics....

Olivia was also thrilled for Landon.  She even wrote him a sweet note:

In her defense, she knows how to spell most of these words that she wrote.  And can definitely read them.  But I guess writing it on her own and sounding out the words threw her off.  She is actually a wonderful speller (100+ on most of her spelling/phonics tests) and a very good reader! :-)

Oh, and the second mention of "Bruthday Praty" she said she really meant his "Birthday Blessing" from school.

Landon's first Birthday Blessing went SO well! It was so fun seeing him sit up in front of everyone and not timid at all! 



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