Here are the kids up to bat:

And here is what Lillian and I were doing - being CHEERLEADERS!!!

It was so much fun - and Robert actually started pitching to them. And the kids were actually HITTING the pitches. Landon hit one and it flew right into Olivia's face! I think we have a Barry Bonds on our hands!! I'm looking forward to the busy sports days!
Then Saturday we woke up and guess what!?? Robert let me GO BACK TO SLEEP from 8:30 to 10:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know how big that is! I had to make myself go back to sleep. And boy did I! Of course, he woke me up with a hungry baby...but that's ok. I actually got to catch up on some sleep! I push through those desires to nap during the week. Because when I do get to lay down, all I can think about is.....ironing, mopping, cleaning, laundry, vacuuming, showering, phone calls, dusting, cooking, need I go on. It was nice!!!!!!!! THANKS SWEETHEART!!
Everyone else had been playing outside while I was asleep! Lillian was enjoying her "johnny jump-up" that was hanging on the garage! She LOVED it! It has finally cooled off enough for her to hang out outside and not suffocate to death!!

After nap we went to the $1 theater and took the kids to see Shrek the Third. It was cute and they loved the "movie theater" experience! We got some popcorn and they actually sat still the whole time! Of course Lillian was perfect and only woke up once to eat a little bit! No problem since the theater was practically empty and dark!!
Then we grilled out again - shrimp and steak kabobs! YUMMMM!!!
Anyway, it's been so nice to have a weekend where we were all at home had nothing but family to attend to!
Those kind of weekends are the best! Such a great refresher!