Monday, December 20, 2010

Dress Shopping!

I had the awesome opportunity last weekend to go wedding dress shopping with my future Sister-in-Law!!  I was so happy she asked me to go!  I even brought my camera along!

All the beautiful dresses - Amsale, Christos, Watters....SO beautiful! 

She pulled maybe 10 or so dresses to try on.  OBVIOUSLY, I will not be showing ANY pics of her in're going to have to wait until the big day for those!  MAY 21, 2011!!  The date is SET!

So many beautiful ones to chose from!  And then so many nips, tucks, add ons, removals of fabrics, beads, can practically customize your dress these days!  HOW FUN!!

And when you get Lacey and I together, well, we're bound to have a little fun around the shop.

The beautiful bride!!!


And so many beautiful veils!  I only tried one on.  ;-)

Sweet Margaret has also asked Lacey and I to be in her wedding!!  Can't wait to stand up there with her and Walton on their big day!

Just 5 short months to go!!!!  Can't wait!

1 comment:

If you don't have anything nice to say, then, please don't say anything at all! THANKS!