Sunday, February 14, 2010

10 Reasons

Why I love my Valentine.

1. He loves the Lord with all his heart.

2. He loves me. Even when I'm stubborn and selfish!

3. He purposefully takes time with each of our children to develop his relationship with them....teaching them about our Heavenly Father, while working to instill in them good character, integrity, and honesty.

4. He's real funny. I laugh A LOT around him.

5. He's cute. Ok...good looking. Ok....Like...REALLY HOT! I'll stop now. :-)

6. His work ethic. Wow. There aren't enough words. Disciplined. Determined. Hard-working. Dependable. Valuable. Insightful. Faithful. Honorable. Responsible....

just a few that come to mind.

7. Positive and respectful! Always has a smile on his face!

8. Clean - and I say this coming from a wife that isn't so neat and clean. I really appreciate how he can "neaten" up a room. Seriously, it's an art!

9. Patient. Ok, so he would probably disagree with me here. But I have to give him props. Knowing him for the past 9 years (or so), yes, his patience has triple-folded.
And what a GREAT character trait to possess.

10. And, we make some pretty cute kids together. That I thoroughly enjoy raising!!



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