Sometimes I just don't get people....and their "trash". Driving down the road the other day I noticed a car seat on a trash pile. We stopped to look at it. It was bagged up and appeared to be in great condition. We threw it in the car and decided to check it out later to see if was really trash (like broken, etc) or not.
We get home and low and behold it is a Britax Roundabout in excellent condition. I mean, it looks hardly used!! Clearly whatever child ever rode in this car seat NEVER ate in it (poor thing). The straps are in excellent condition as well as the cover. And the MANUAL was even neatly in it's little envelope behind the headrest. And the other straps behind it were perfectly rolled up. I started to wonder if it had ever been used.
Well, it's about to get some nice wear. I took off the covers and washed them. And it's all ready to go. Probably to Lillian. But it's always nice to have an extra car seat sitting around. I later found out that this is like a $200 car seat!! WOW!! And these people were just chunking it.
Sometimes I just don't get it. At least donate it. But we gladly took it off their "trash" pile for them! :-) I ain't scared to stop and pull something off the side of the road! Finders Keepers!